Museum Quality TIG Welding Since 1964
Why Restorative Welding
Restorative Welding uniquely maintains the complete historical authenticity and value of an antique firearm. Offering a less expensive alternative to fabricating a replacement part that is not original.
Since 1964 I have specialized in restoring antique firearms, ferrous metal artifacts and various antique weapons. We are one of the last restorative welding companies in the United States
Year of Establishment
Peter Nagel
Owner & Founder of Restorative Welding
Museum quality repair TIG welding of antique Pre 1898 metallic artifacts comprising early firearms, sword components, and springs ... Since 1964
Many people own a fine antique firearm containing a delicate broken part which renders it inoperable. Whether an individual, museum, collector, or historical reenactor, most don't know how to begin the process of repair and restoration.
We specialize in such welded repairs, and can discuss your project in depth, upon viewing photos and other pertinent information. My welding techniques are highly specialized, strictly dedicated to antiques, and are unavailable in commercial welding shops. In addition to modern, and classical welding technology, we are thoroughly acquainted with 18th and 19th century metallurgy and the manufacturing methods used to create your artifact. We will also be glad to discuss the additional steps needed to complete your restoration after welding. Our expertise and consultation is available to you at no charge, before you even begin the restoration process.
About Us
In 1964 we adapted stamping die and plastic injection mold welding techniques to the challenge of TIG welding antique wrought irons, malleable iron, and early carbon steels. Over time, we achieved “invisible” welded repairs on antique European Swords, Wheel-locks, Flintlock and Percussion Muzzle Loaders, and the early factory rifles and pistols of the Civil War, and Westward Expansion.
Restorative welding uniquely maintains the artifacts complete historical authenticity and value, while offering a less expensive alternative to fabricating a replacement part. These attributes combine to make it the leading choice of the best antique firearms collectors, and restorers.
We invite your inquiry and welcome an opportunity to explain how Restorative Welding can benefit your upcoming restoration.

The restoration of rare and costly gun parts mandates the use of TIG welding for its superb heat control and atmospheric shielding. However, other factors must be considered to attain the level of craftsmanship such parts demand. Our primary goal is an invisible repair. Below are some considerations toward attaining that goal.
Surface Integrity | The weld deposition must smoothly transition into sharp edges, corners, flat surfaces, and contours without erosion or undercutting.
Density | The weld deposition and the parent metal must possess a similar density. the weld must be homogeneous and free from cold shuts and porosity.
Fire Scale | Side and bottom surfaces of the parent metal adjacent to the weld must be protected from atmospheric scaling at high heat. Auxiliary argon gas shielding must be applied to these areas, as well as to polished shotgun bores, rifle bores and chambers.
Metallic Luster | All of our filler rods have been tested and verified for their capability to match the metallic luster of the parent metal. Luster must match for bright polishing, niter bluing, and charcoal bluing.
Coloration | All of our filler rods have been tested and verified for their capability to accept, browning, rust bluing, and color case hardening in the same way as the parent metal to which they are applied. Grain refinement techniques are also employed to enhance color blending.
Hardness | A large number of gun parts are hardened. Soft wrought iron lock parts, set triggers, and malleable iron receivers and mechanisms are case hardened. Carbon steel components are quench hardened and tempered, generally to spring temper. “V” springs, hammer notches, extractors, sears, rifle bolts and sword blades are but a few examples. In some cases, we can preserve hardness and temper by employing heat sinks, other times we can apply a hard carbon steel weld where it is practical to reduce the weld in a hardened state. We have also been successful TIG welding and re tempering “V” and Flat springs, with only a slight loss in strength.
Heat Treatment | Heat treatment consists of preheating prior to welding, followed by post heating, drawing, tempering, normalizing, or annealing after welding. The purpose of heat treatment is to relieve the internal stresses resulting from welding, refine the grain structure, and improve the strength of the bond.
Provenance | The history of a gun is extremely important. By knowing the name of the maker or manufacturer, and when the gun was made, we can draw much more accurate conclusions about the metals and heat treatment used in the manufacture of the gun.
Machining | Although files continue to be a mainstay of custom gun making, and repair, many shops employ a variety of conventional, and CNC machine tools as well. We do not perform machining but freely consult with our clients, on fixture design and finish machining, when requested. Our background includes a forty-year career in machining, both conventional, and CNC. Unusual restoration jobs do exist where multiple machining operations are interspersed with multiple TIG welding operations. Such jobs must be identified, and carefully planned, to avoid difficulty.